Top 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Bones on a Vegan Diet


For ages the dairy industry did a killer (pun intended) job preventing people from thinking you cannot strengthen your bones on a vegan diet.

We heard it all the time growing up, “Finish your milk! You need it to grow strong bones.” And if you’re like me, I had to come up with ways to choke it down. I found that if I followed these steps I managed to get the job done. First I held my nose tight. Then I chugged the entire glass without breathing. Next, before taking a breath, I chased it with another drink like orange juice. Only then could I release my nose without gagging.

Well, times have changed and the cat is out of the bag. Dairy actually has been shown to have the opposite effect on bones than the USDA has led us to believe is true. Those on a plant-based diet actually have less of a risk for developing osteoporosis than dairy-drinkers.

So to help jump start you into a bone-healthy vegan diet plan, Kei Nishida gives us 5 awesome ways to promote strong bones with plant-based eating… Here they are:

Tofu and Soy ProductsTofu Tempeh Soy

Aside from calcium, protein is one of the most important ingredients in building strong bones and overall healthiness. Consider soy especially in forms like tofu which is high in protein and has so many other beneficial nutrients. With 10 grams of protein per serving as well as tons of calcium, tofu is a great way to fill your daily protein needs and keep your bones strong. This goes for other soy products like soy milk, too, with beans in general being a great way to eat your protein.


Mushrooms are packed with tons of great vitamins and minerals, many of which support bone health. While you can’t go wrong when choosing to add mushrooms to your food, whether they’re raw or cooked, one of the best varieties to use when looking to strengthen your bones is the shiitake mushroom.

Shiitake have the highest concentration of copper of any mushroom species, an essential element in creating the enzymes that help our bones, skin, joints, and blood vessels stay healthy and repair themselves. In fact, one serving of shiitake mushrooms provides about 65% of your daily recommended amount of copper while also being high in zinc, another key ingredient in building regulating your bones.

Broccolibroccoli for strong bones

As one of the best dark leafy greens you can eat, it’s no surprise broccoli is loaded with vitamins and minerals that assist in bone growth. A major source of vitamin K, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, eating broccoli is one of the best things you can do if you want healthy bones, teeth, and nails.

Vitamin K, especially, is important for bone health, as more and more research begins to suggest it may play a more crucial role in building strong bones than even calcium. Given that a single cup of broccoli supplies almost 300% of your daily recommended amount of vitamin K, it would be a good idea to eat plenty of it to ensure your bones stay in peak condition. It can also help prevent and treat bone diseases like osteoporosis, making it great for those looking to rebuild bone strength in addition to those preserving it.


While it’s probably not your first choice when thinking of plants to increase the strength of your bones, the stinging nettle is a great source for tons of different nutrients related to bone health. Stinging nettles are natural sources of calcium and magnesium, key ingredients in healthy bone construction and bone metabolism regulation. Other key nutrients include boron and silica, as well as vitamins C, D, and K.

There are many ways to ingest it, too. Properly prepared stinging nettles can be a component in thick and hearty soups, fresh salads (after steaming), or potentially even used in teas. Just be careful when handling them raw, as their tiny needles can prick you and cause skin irritation.

Green-Tea-for strong bones

Japanese Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks and flavors in Japan, and for good reason. Among its many health benefits include bone strengthening. Japanese green tea, as opposed to other types of tea, is especially good for bone health due to not being fermented or oxidized, as well as its high levels of polyphenols that help to reduce inflammation and bone breakdown, as well as normalize bone mineral makeup and assist with calcium uptake. It can also help to activate enzymes responsible for bone growth, overall making Japanese green tea one of the best bone strengtheners available.

As recommended by Doctor David B. Samadi, drinking three cups of green tea a day can help significantly reduce the likelihood of bone breaks and other injuries, as well as treat the symptoms of and potentially prevent the onset of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. If you happen to be worried about the caffeine content of green tea (as high amounts of caffeine can lessen bone density), there are decaffeinated green teas available for purchase.

Final Thoughts

These are only a few of the many plant-based bone strengtheners available for vegan consumers. If you want to ensure your body is running at maximum efficiency while keeping your bones healthy and strong, try any or all of these recommended items and see the results for yourself.


Green Tea’s Fat Burning Abilities: Analyzing Facts vs. Fiction

Green-Tea-for strong bones

You’ve probably heard that green tea burns fat.

If you’ve ever wondered if the fat burning benefits of green tea are real, you’re in the right place!

As green tea has grown in popularity in Western culture, more and more health benefits of this amazing drink have been confirmed to be true. These include brain boosting properties and lowered disease risks. But one of the most popular health benefits being touted for green tea is its fat burning ability. In this article, we will separate fact from fiction regarding this popular beverage.


While green tea does not have superpowers abilities of melting fat off your body, there are scientific reasons behind why this drink does, in fact, support weight loss and fat burning.

Green Tea Increases Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis is the production of heat inside your body. This process increases the energy (calories) expended by your body. The increase of energy results in more fat oxidation, which means your body is burning up fat for the purpose of energy. This effect is not only beneficial for weight loss, but it’s also useful for regulating already healthy weight levels.

Green Tea Contains Caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most studied stimulants in existence. It increases your Epinephrine blood levels – this sends signals to your brain to break down fat cells, making them available as energy for your body. It also increases your metabolism, meaning that your bodily processes require a bit more energy. The result is more fat being burned and used by your body.

Green Tea Has Very Low Calories

Think before you reach for that honey or sugar the next time you drink your green tea. Without additives, green tea only has about 2 calories per cup. This makes it a great alternative to plain water because you’re getting the antioxidant and flavanol benefits of green tea that water does not have. Also, it adds a nice taste. When you pass on the sweetener, the fat burning properties of green tea can really shine.

EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)

EGCG is one of the many touted antioxidants, or catechins, found in green tea. EGCG is known to boost metabolism through increased fat oxidation, which is literally the ‘burning’ of fat.

Appetite Suppressant

The easiest way to lose weight? Consume less food. But that’s easier said than done for most of us. Catechins (like EGCG mentioned above) have metabolism increasing benefits. On top of that, they’ve also been shown in studies to have some appetite suppressant benefits. These appetite suppressant benefits are likely related to the increased fat burning that occurs after consuming green tea.

Increases Visceral Fat Burning

We humans have two types of fat in our bodies – subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous is the kind that builds up under our skin – think of the fat in our legs, arms, etc. The other kind – which is also the more dangerous kind – is known as visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat stored in our belly, and around our organs. Visceral fat is linked to all sorts of health problems, like inflammation and insulin resistance, as well as increased cholesterol. Studies have shown that a significant portion of the fat burned after drinking green tea is visceral fat. This is great news, especially for those trying to lose weight while fighting off diseases and inflammation.Green-Tea-for-Fat-Burning-and-Health


Although there are many scientifically proven benefits, green tea is not a miracle cure. Here are a few of the common misconceptions regarding green tea.

If You Drink Green Tea, You Will Lose Weight

If only it were so simple. While green tea has many aspects that are beneficial to weight loss, it will not fix a bad diet or other poor lifestyle choices. You can’t expect to lose weight if you drink the occasional green tea but still sit around all the time, while eating pizzas and burgers. Green tea alone will not make you lose weight. But, combined with a healthy diet and consistent exercise/activity, green tea can definitely assist your efforts.

Green Tea Burns Fat

The problem with the phrase ‘burns fat’ is that many people take it too literally. When we hear ‘Green tea burns fat,’ some people think that simply drinking it will cause your body to start burning away fat. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Green tea naturally enhances the ‘fat burning’ process, if other conditions are met.

Choosing To Drink Green Tea Over Taking Tea Supplements

Green Tea Matcha For Fat BurningThanks to a Western diet full of processed, chemically altered foods, and other generally nasty stuff found in our food, many people turn to supplements as a way to consume whatever vitamin or mineral they are lacking in. With the rise of popularity in drinking green tea, it’s no surprise green tea supplements have become popular too. Specifically, ‘green tea extracts’.

But is taking green tea supplements just as effective as drinking green tea? Scientists aren’t so sure. The main reason that real, fresh-brewed green tea is preferred over supplement form is synergy. Of course, these green tea supplements do have a few beneficial ingredients. But hardly any contain all of the antioxidants, catechins, and other helpful ingredients that real tea does.

More and more studies show that these ingredients work best when taken together – they work synergistically to increase each other’s effectiveness. Not only does this help with the weight loss, it also helps increase the cancer and disease fighting benefits of green tea.

Bottom Line

Green tea is a proven health booster and should be an integral part of any well-balanced diet. But it’s important to remember that green tea alone is not a miracle fat-burning or weight loss drug. On the other hand, if combined with smart lifestyle choices like a good diet and exercise plan, it can go a long way towards helping you reach your goals.